Thursday, April 13, 2017

Alcohol Gyan

Everybody know that alcohol consumption is injurious to health still many people in habit of it so today i will give you few tips which will effect less on the body.

1. Moderate drinker: As per the research, moderate drinker live 15 year more than a teetotaller but it's difficult to become the moderate drinker.

                  What is Moderate drinker?                                                            
Moderate  drinker means who is taking 60ml hard drink in a week or else one mug of beer or one glass of wine. Generally people are taking lots of alcohol the day they are drinking which effect their health. If you are a moderate drinker then this will help you to strong your heart. If you are taking one glass of wine in a week this will help you to glow your skin.Hence moderate drinker has lots of benefits so try to have moderate drink.

2. Drink with water: Always have hard drink with water. Don't take it with soda or aerated water otherwise morning you will be having the hangover. Your body will dehydrate because of alcohol and lack of water make your life hell in the next morning.

3. DDD concept: You should follow the three DDD concept while drinking. D=Dilution , D=Duration and D=Diet.
Dilution: Dilute your drink as much as you can which will effect less on your body. Many people have drink while adding less water or nit which will effect a lot in your lever.In one glass add in between 30-60 ml of liquor and rest part of the glass fill with water then have it. It will cause less effect on the body.
Duration: Take your time to finish your drink as nobody is going to snatch with you. Many people will finish the drink in bottoms up or very early which again effect a lot on your lever and you will be having the hangover in the morning.Enjoy your drink and keep maximum gap for the next peg.
Diet: Many people won't eat after drink which effect your body a lot and morning you will be having the hangover too so always try to have something before going to the bed. Its not necessary to heavy meal but light meal is also sufficient but never sleep in empty stomach.
4. Never take Bottoms up: Many people just for style will take bottoms up. Never do that this will effect your lever a lot and you will get drunk very soon.

                      New commerce will go for bottoms up , experience people will never go for it

5. Never have Cocktails: Its been told that never have cocktail as it will give you bad hangover and you will get drunk so early. Hence always stick with one drink in a day. Never mix it up.
6. Say no to Nit drink: Generally raw drink is very bitter and it will burn your throat inside so never take the nit drink.It will effect your lever badly, you will get drunk soon and you will be having the bad hangover.
7. Never Drink in Day Time : If you will drink in day time then you will go for sleep and may be you will sleep for 3-4 hours but that is not sufficient and you will get bad hangover and because of sleep in the day time you will not get sleep in night so again you have to drink to get sleep.Hence most of the people won't drink in day time.

What is Hangover?

Whenever you will drink a lot  in the night or not followed the step mentioned above then morning you will be having severe headache , body pain and feeling uneasy etc. that is called as hangover.

How to avoid Hangover?

Many people are getting worst hangover everyday because of not following the rules while drinking and they don't know "How to get rid of it". I will give you few tips which will help you to come out of it.
1. Desprin/ Headache tablet: Take the desprin or headache tablet if you are having headache.
2. Drink lots of water: Hangover will happen generally because of dehydration of body so the day you have hangover have drink lots of water. This will really help you to come out of hangover.
3. Have 60ml of same drink: Take 60 ml of same drink what you had yesterday this will really help to come out of your hangover.
4. Add Hajmola in Pepsi/Coke: Take one/two Hajmola and add it in Pepsi/Coke which will produce forth just have it. Its good way to get rid of hangover.
5. Brush: Next day first thing you have to do after having water is to do the brush as early as possible because yesterday night drink is still stick to your tongue and teeth which should have to clean to get rid of hangover.
6. Lemon: Lemon is the best way to get rid of hangover. Just have lemon water whenever you have hangover.
7. Take heavy meals: As your body is dehydrated because of alcohol so you should have to take heavy meals once you are wake up which help your body to recover fast.
8.Take Bath: As your body is dehydrated because of drink so take bath. It will feel you fresh as water will go inside the body and give you instant relief.
8. Hangover Medicine: If condition is still worst then you can have hangover medicine available in medical store which help you to get normal asap.

Alcohol Dictionary

Many times you heard people are talking about 1 quarter, aardha, khamba etc. while drinking and being as a teetotaller you wont understand anything. Hence today i will give you explanation of it and next time onward you can understand everything.

One Quarter = 180 ml = 1 small bottle = Only used in Hard drink= 1 nip.
Hard Drink means Rum, Vodka,Whisky etc. but not beer and cold drink.
30,60,90 means 30,60,90 ml . 90 ml = Half quarter etc.
Aardha = Two Quarter = 2*180=360 ml= Half Bottle
Khamba= 750 ml = 1 Bottle = 4*180+30=750 ml = You will get extra 30 ml if you will buy full bottle
Hard Drink will come in Sixty, Ninety,Quarter, Half and Full .
Beer will come in 350 ml,500 ml and 750 ml.
Nit = Raw drink.
Patiala Peg = 120 ml = Punjabi word = Very strong and Hard drink one peg is sufficient to give you kick.
Vodka=Generally drink by girl as it makes boy impotent.
Babushka : Another name is burning drink. In bottle cap put some hard drink and then burn it with match stick and switch off all the light then have this drink . It will look like you are drinking fire.
As its nit so it will be very bitter and fill like your throat is burn so be ready with water after having it.
Feeling hot - Take Beer
Feeling Cold - Take Hard Drink
Best time for drink - When its raining outside

How to make peg?

Many people are not aware "How to prepare peg" so they will make their drink so hard that they can't able to drink it.Hence today i will guide how to prepare peg that its smooth to have and won't give you too much kick.

1. Rum : Generally we are taking with water but if you feel its taste is too hard then you can mix black cold drink with it. Hence in your peg add 30-45 ml of rum, 60-80 ml of cold-drink, if you like to add ice then 2 cube of it then add normal/cold water. You will feel your drink is quite smooth and easy for you to take sip. Generally in quarter make 4-5 peg so that it will effect less on your body and try not to have more than 1 quarter to avoid hangover. Its totally depend upon you, how you want to make your body. Some people 1 quarter is sufficient but other its not but more you will drink more it will effect on your body so try to cut short of it.
2. Whiskey : In one peg, 30-45 ml of  whiskey with water only but it tastes bitter then add 60-80 ml of soda (generally we are not adding any cold drink with it. We are adding only soda with it.) and then water and 2 cubes of ice (optional). Here again make 4-5 peg with one quarter.
3. Vodka : Same as above only use sprite/fanta cold-drink for nice taste.For awesome taste add 30-45 ml of vodka in a glass then rest of the glass fill with your favourite Tropicana juice. You will really love it.
Generally Men won't drink vodka because it make them impotent and girls love to drink because its light and taste is not bitter like other drink.
4. Beer : You have to take it directly, no need to add anything only it should be chilled otherwise its difficult to gulp it.
 Benefits of Beer
If you have one beer bottle in a week then its very good for health as it will clear all your stomach next day but its not recommended to have daily as its having lots of cholesterol which will make you fat.Generally you wont be having any hangover next morning and you will feel fresh too. If you are having stone then drink one beer bottle daily within 1 month you will be out of it.You will not get drunk too much . You will be always in your control.
5. Wine : You can have it directly even though its not cold. Drinking the wine is different.You should take one sip rotate in your mouth then gulp it. This is the way you can enjoy the wine. You must be having a wine opener to open the wine bottle.
Benefits : If you will have 1 glass of wine daily then you will get glow on your face. It will strong your heart if you will 1 glass in a week. Generally no hangover and chances of getting high is very less.
6. Taquilla: We are taking it raw so you will get burning sensation in your throat hence we are using the lemon and salt to make you normal.Take 30 ml of Taquilla or else vodka in a taquilla glass and then hold 1/4th lemon and keep salt on your hand with which you are holding the lemon. So first gulp the entire taquilla in glass then have salt and squeeze lemon to make you normal. Few people add salt on glass top only. Do it with your friends you will really love it. As its a nit drink so you will get high soon. So have as per your limit. Before having Taquilla count for 1,2,3 and then everybody has to take it. Again effect of it on your body is alot as you are taking it raw.

Beginners should have to start with Breezer, Breezer plus or Vodka.Once you are habituated to it then go for scotch , hard drink and then Beer as beer taste is too bad first time if you are drinking then you will never touch it.
Quantity of alcohol
Hard Drink contains 42%  of alcohol.
Strong Beer, Breezer Plus contains 8% of alcohol.
Leger Beer, Premium Beer contains 5-6% of alcohol.
Breezer, Ultra leger beer contains 4% of alcohol.
Wine contains 8-16 % of alcohol

Amazing fact : If alcohol will fell into the body then no worry smell will not come from your dress as it contains ethanol and within few minutes it will evaporate.

Notice: If you are drunk then never do piss in your home as the person who will go next to the toilet will come to know you are drunk because of the smell.

Warning : There is no way to hide smell do whatever you want so drink at your own risk.

Suggestions : Never have too much drink that you are out of control. Take break once you think that  you reach to your limit.
Try to have drink in your home or the place where you can sleep to avoid the riding/driving after get drunk.

Funniest thing : Whenever you will get up in the morning after drink, first question will come into your mind how i came to this place then you will search your asset whether its available or not. if you will find everything then you will feel relax and taking pledge that now onwards i will never have drink which actually never get happen.

Coin Game (Just for fun ) 
If you are drinking with 4-5 people or more than you can play this game which will give you ultimate fun. Take one glass of drink cover upper part of glass with tissue paper and then keep one coin above tissue paper.Everyone sit around the glass by making circle. Light one ciggerate take one puff completely optional and then make hole in tissue paper around the coin and pass it to the other person. If he smokes then do the same thing otherwise do the same without taking puff.Continue until or unless coin will fell down in the glass. The person who made the last hole will take that drink bottoms up and everybody will shout Tuk Tuk.

Drink beliefs
1. As per the expert, it's found that if a male sits next to you then you consider him as your best friend after drunk but if girl will sit next to you then you will consider her as your girlfriend after get drunk.
2. Girls sometime allow their bf or husband to get drunk because generally they become romantic after getting high.
3. In India most dangerous person is a drunkard. Most of the the people is not having guts to talk to him. They will tell "Aaj piya hua hai kal baat karte hai".
4. Most of the girls think that if her partner will drink then when he will come back to the home , he will beat her like anything but actually its not true. It was showing in Movies only. 80 % of men even though they are drunk, they won't hit any girl.Exceptions are always there but doesn't mean that all are same.

Why we get zoom after having Alcohol?
After booze your entire tissue will get active which make you hyper and do those thing which actually you will never do when you are normal.
Suggestions for girls: If  your partner came drunk and you don't like then discuss this in the next morning as same day if you will fight then your partner may assault on you because he reached to the super active mode.

Where i will get the Alcohol in less price?
1. Army canteen
2. Airport Duty Free - Because of that maximum people coming from foreign will get drink as you will get in half price but maximum 2 Bottle of 2 Litre you can get from the Airport. 2 Bottle is fixed even though you are taking the less quantity.
If you want to carry bottle from India to other country then again its 2 Bottle of 2 Litre but beware if its a alcohol band country then there you can carry the alcohol.
3. Goa , Pondicherry and all the union territory where there is no tax on alcohol.

Hopefully updated all the things as per my knowledge and wish it will help you a lot in near future.

But still recommend you not to have drink as i had seen many family are spoilt because of this and yes it will effect your health too. Because once you will start it will keep on increasing and then you cant able to control so try not to start.


  1. Its important to drink in responsible way. But drink at least once to know it.

  2. Hangover medicine is a good remedy. But the most effective remedy that I always tried is Anti Hangover Drink. This is easy remedy you can also try.

    1. Yes, I know but if you don't want to have medicine so you can try these things to avoid hangover.

  3. Hangover medicine can be helpful, but the most effective solution I've found is an Best Anti Hangover Drink. It's an easy remedy that you should try as well.
